How to launch my very first campaign on Influencer Marketing

We are very happy to help you launch your first campaign!

Please follow these steps:

1. Create your brand store

  • Click on the CAMPAIGNS tab from the top menu
  • Then, click on "Edit Store":

  • Fill in the name of your brand.
  • Add a short description to explain your brand's main message and mission.
  • Add a logo and banner that's in line with our recommended pixel threshold (750x550 for the logo and 1500x440 for the banner).

The banner size is the same dimension as your Twitter page, so feel free to
use the same banner for this.

  • Finally, fill in the social media section with your brand's official social media page links.

This provides our influencers with relevant information about your brand and will be useful for our community to accurately discuss your brand and products within their content.

2. Create a new campaign

  • Click on the CAMPAIGNS tab from the top menu
  • Then, click on "New Campaign"
  • Fill in the title of your campaign and select "Continue"

Tittle should be short and punchy to make the influencer want to apply.

You then just have to complete the following sections:

3. Select your platforms

  • Select which platforms you will be targeting for your campaign.
  • You can combine several posts on different platforms if you wish!

4. Complete the campaign information

The campaign information section acts as the brief for your campaign for Influencer Marketing's community to read before they apply to your campaigns and after they are accepted for more information on the product and your brand.

  • First, add your main campaign image (Image file should be minimum 750x550px) and intro video (if applicable).
  • Complete your Campaign Description by adding in your brand values ​​and history with your community along with highlighting the features that make your product unique
  • Give clear instructions and focus on key points
  • Use the Moodboard Feature!
  • Highlight the most important instructions in the "do's and don'ts"
  • If you want the review to be published from a certain date: don't forget to indicate the date creators can start submitting reviews within the campaign title & do & don't instructions.
  • Fill out your Hashtags & Mentions. However, no need to add transparency hashtags to your campaign if they are already configured in your Store.
  • Don't forget to leave some room for creativity!

5. Complete Product & Logistics

The Product & Logistics section will determine what product offering will be associated to your campaign, whether it is a single product or a bundle of your brand's best sellers.

  • Fill out the Product Name with the name of the product and/or bundle you plan on offering to the community.
  • Select the Category from the dropdown menu that best suits your product offering.
  • For the Product Link, you will want to select a link where you would like site traffic to be driven to, as the link will be included as the swipe-up link for Instagram Stories and the link for the description section on YouTube.
  • Finally, under Quantities & Logistics, you will choose how many products you will be seeding out through your campaign.

Make sure your links works before you share them.

An incorrect link will prevent the influencer from publishing their content (which, in turn, may delay the publication of their post).

  • For gifted reviews campaigns, the Product Link for Reviews will need to be filled out with the link to the exact product page you would like consumers to leave their reviews on.

Public Price: This the price of your product or the total price of the bundle. It allows the community to see the estimated value of the product(s) they will be receiving.

6. Select your target

Your campaign targeting will determine how many influencers will be able to see and order from your campaign.

When creating your campaign targeting, keep in mind that the number of influencers you choose to target will directly affect the number of orders your campaigns receive and the pool of influencers you will have to choose from to collaborate with.

 To select your targeting, select Advanced Criteria to open Influencer Marketing's full range of targeting options for your campaigns.

7. Schedule your campaign

In order to publish your campaign, you will want to select one of two options.

By selecting "Start date as soon as possible" and 'End date automatic end' will publish your campaign the moment you hit "Publish" and will close when you accept the last person to your campaign.

We recommend saving your campaign after each step to ensure that all of your campaign information, photos, videos, etc save.


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