What is the logistics process when shipping myself?

If you manage the shipment of your products and your logistics process yourself, here's everything you need to know:

Inventory Management

  1. From your Campaigns tab, click on the campaign of your choice
  2. Go to Step 4: Products and Logistics and click on the product of your choice
  3. Scroll down and click the small pencil icon to add the desired number of units
  4. Click "save"
  5. Subsequently, you will directly send your products to the influencers' personal addresses

This management will take place from the Requests tab.

Manage influencer requests

In the Requests tab, you will find 3 different sections:

  1. Pending Requests: all requests that you have not yet processed.
  2. Ready to Ship: all requests that you have accepted. In the "Actions" column, click on "Send" and the influencer's address will automatically appear. At this stage, you have all the necessary information to proceed with the shipment. Export the requests and re-import them with the tracking number, the requests will then automatically move to the "Sent" stage.
  3. Sent: requests are automatically moved to this section once the tracking number is imported. If a shipping problem is reported by an influencer, a small red exclamation mark appears.

Don't forget to indicate the tracking number in the platform. This will allow the influencer to easily track their package and find it in case of delivery issues.

Shipping Issues

In case of delivery issues, a red exclamation mark will appear in the "Sent" section of the "Requests" tab.

In this case, you will need to contact the influencer from the "Messages" tab.


Different actions are possible depending on your logistical system, consult them in this article.

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